Ken Bandy tells the tale of his mother's former fiancé, and fallen WWII soldier Pfc. Roger Taylor, at the Beloit Historical Society “Remembering Roger” memorial service Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019. Roger's dog tags were recently rediscovered in France and the memorial’s date to enshrine the tags into the societies museum coincides with the 75th anniversary of Roger’s deployment to the front lines of Belgium. Just days later German forces would begin their final counter attack of the war and kick off the Battle of the Bulge. Just outside the town of Lutrebois, on the battles southern line, Roger would lose his life to shrapnel from an artillery shell.
Col. Matthew Woodruff speaks to the Beloit Historical Society at the “Remembering Roger” memorial service and will present the tags to the society.
Ken Brady illustrates troop movements during the WWII Battle of the Bulge at the Beloit Historical Society “Remembering Roger” memorial service Sunday Dec. 29, 2019.
Virginia Bandy, center, was the fiancé of Pfc. Roger Taylor who lost his life in the Battle of the Bulge.
Ken Bandy, center, speaks to people who lingered after his presentation at the Beloit Historical Society “Remembering Roger” memorial service.
A picture of Pfc. Roger Taylor just prior to his deployment in WWII is showcased at the Beloit Historical Society “Remembering Roger” memorial service.
Pictures, letters and military documents of, or pertaining to, Pfc. Roger Taylor is on display for people to view at the Beloit Historical Society “Remembering Roger” memorial service.
Ken Bandy holds aloft the rediscovered, and now returned, dog tags of Pfc. Roger Taylor.
The rediscovered dog tags of Pfc. Roger Taylor with be enshrined with the Beloit Historical Society after being 75 years overseas.